Tanya Magicbeat is originally a DeepVocal since 2020. Her voicer's main language is Thai but her DeepVocal voicebank supports Japanese. Later in 2024, she was upgraded to DiffSinger voicebank for OpenUTAU. Her DiffSinger voicebank supports Thai, English, and Japanese with the main language is Thai.
Tanya Magicbeat's DiffSinger dataset was recorded in Thai and English. The voicebank utilizes multiple public datasets for XLS (cross-language) support.
An AI voice library for OpenUTAU supports 3 languages; Thai, English, and Japanese in 1 voice library.
Requires OpenUTAU v0.1.501 (Beta) or more.
This voice library utilizes the publically available Singing Datasets "TIGER", "Printto TH", "PJS", and "OFUTON", meant to be used for parallel training in SVS Synthesizers.
A female Japanese DeepVocal mono-pitch voicebank for DeepVocal2.
Please ensure that you read the README.txt file provided with the downloaded voicebanks before using them. It contains important instructions and guidelines that must be followed.